Wednesday, April 21, 2010


1993 I was in my 20’s wearing mini skirts with no’ Bridget Jones’ undies!
Now 15 years later I am calling on all women who want to get back to that 20’s weight to join my pledge of exercise, meals cut down and just a bit of commonsense we all like to ignore.

For the next three months I want us all to do:

20 minutes of exercise 3 times a week
(This could be a home exercise video or take a long walk to the shops and not drive)
Per day:
2x 20 sit ups
2x 10 push ups
2x 20 lunges
2x 20 squats

Yoga routine twice a day
(William likes doing this with me)

All meals to be eaten on bread & butter plate
Snacks should only be fruit, yogurt or veggies, or other good foods
Only one can of soft drink a week if needed
2lt of water per day

The pledge
To take this pledge add your name to this list on this blog , grab your favorite photo of yourself at your desired weight, A piece of paper with your goal size in clothes, the exercise you will do and your pledge to eat dinner plate size and post it on your fridge.
I am not putting my weight on the fridge as I don’t want all to see, it is much nicer to go buy how your clothe feel other than always on the scale.

What if I indulge?
Personally I know I won’t be able to give up chocolate so I will double my sit ups per day to account for this hopefully.
You know what you should and shouldn’t do; the whole aim of this pledge is you won’t be just disappointed your yourself but the other women who have taken the pledge too.

What if I am already doing exercise but haven’t lost the weight??
You may need to take it to another level, push yourself s bit faster or do more quaintly. The list of exercise is just a guide as each time you do it you should be trying for one better.
You may have to look at what you are eating, try to have pasta only once a week and also only once a week for a indulge meal ( being a function, party, take away) This pledge is all about keeping things in moderation.

Is there any cost involve?
No, it doesn’t cost anything to walk the path or do some stretches; I personally did buy a Pilates DVD to do at home while kids are asleep to get me through those rainy days.

What set up is there?
It will take you a few days to get into routine, these exercises can be done at anytime of the day, for example mine is done before the boys get up and after 8:30 when they are in bed, add breaks while watching the TV is good

I don’ know what 20 min exercises to do?
Think out side the square, I had a 2 minute drive to a shop last week but instead I parked my car in the centre of town and walked everywhere which turned out to be one hour of walking, I had 30 minutes of weights in my back yard moving railway sleepers (wow they were heavy)
What ever you do try not over do it or you will be out for days.

I you need advise or support please ring me Lisa Ralston, 35 years old mother of two, full time house wife!